Here is one of them. Foreign Affairs Minister has two mortgages with state-run Bank of China  https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-foreign-affairs-minister-has-two-mortgages-with-state-run-bank-of/

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In 2015 Harper gave Poilivere a new rural riding, Carleton. His old riding Ottawa-West Nepean he gave to his old campaign Manager Andy Wang. Wang lost the riding big time and has been captured by the Marxist Liberals since 2015. PP would be unemployed right now.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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All sitting and past and sitting Canadian Members of Parliament who have graduated World Economic Forum Young Global Leader indoctrination under Klaus Schwab working for an un-elected foreign entity should be arrested for Treason.


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To all those who posted I agree, we must stop it; man would it be great to be able to say No...just one fucking time!!! NOTA No politician, nor news media will go near it...ever wonder why???

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You mean he wants a "balls-less" country; like father, like home; family as our example.

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I am speculating who ever wrote the Private Menembers Bills C-293 is one of the Communist Traitors to Canada. Name this MP.

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More info and send email to your MPs and Senators. One click Share this link https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/promo/602

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Find me one bought and paid for clown who cares what the people think, when entrenched inside a system that does not either. No we need a say; all we get to do is complain and write letters of common-sense to the common-wealth; spelt without plurality. We need to be able to say NO!!! NO MORE!!! What we have is a yes, for one of the options available based on the % of the population...divided...talking about coming together during an election to make a change. Say it over until it makes sense.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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Oct 1Liked by David Krayden

Has Poilivere or his Conservatives ever mentioned this Bill to Canadians?

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CPC and Bloc voted against it

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FIPA Agreement with Canada. What’s Really In It For Canada? Spoiler Alert Canada has been given away to China. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/fipa-agreement-with-china-what-s-really-in-it-for-canada-1.2770159

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Andrew Scheer got caught on the WEF website. Here is the bullshit he is feeding Canadians. The Pairie Provinces continue to elect these Traitors to Canada.


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Did the cat get your tongue PAFFO? You are a schill for the Cons.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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As a retired PAFFO form the CAF you are either very naive or being paid to schill for the Commie Cons. There is more than enough evidence to prove all 338 MP are compromised. I am not the first to give you push back for schilling for the Commies (all 338). As a matter of fact I suspect all 105 Senators are compromised as well. By the way I am a Veteran who served the Crown with pride for thirty-years. Canada has concluded their own National Citizens Inquiry which has confirmed at the time of priting that at least 57,000 Canadians have been killed by experimental MNRA injections never tested on humas. The CPC and BLOC are very aware of this Inquiry. In fact 63 MP were subpeonaed to the Inquiry and not one sure. Sell you snake oil somewhere elese. Receipts. The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections.  Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed. 


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Okie Dokie PAFFO from the CAF. The Commie Cons are not our friends. Equitas Society was formed in 2011 to support a class-action lawsuit against the Government of Canada for the reinstatement of the Pension Act Pension for injured soldiers. Equitas Society fought its way through the courts of BC, initially winning the case with the Supreme Court of British Columbia, where it was stated that the Government of Canada had a special duty to injured soldiers. The Government of Canada appealed this decision in October of 2013 to the Appellant Court of British Columbia. The Government of Canada under then Minister of Veterans Affairs Erin O’Toole attempted to have the appeal removed and the lower courts’ decision respected. This was denied by the court and as it wished to render a judgment in such an important case. Then in May of 2015, an abeyance agreement was signed between the Government of Canada and Equitas Society to temporarily stop the court case while the parties attempted to come to a resolution outside of court. The abeyance agreement was in place throughout the 2015 Federal Election, where Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada Justin Trudeau promised to reinstate the lifelong pensions for injured soldiers. After the 2015 election and the election of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada to power, Equitas Society was told that the court case would resume. Court filing to resume the court case were made in June of 2016, and on the 4th of December 2017, the Appellant Court of British Columbia decided in favour of the Government of Canada that no special duty of care was due to those injured while in the Canadian Armed Forces. This decision was appealed by Equitas Society to the Supreme Court of Canada on 31 January 2018. Then on August 30th, 2018 the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear the case ending the court battle. Though the court case was ultimately loss Equitas Society has not wavered in its resolve to achieve the restoration of veterans’ benefits. Since August 2018 when the Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear our case we have been tirelessly advocating for veterans’ rights and will continue to do so.


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Okie Dokie PAFFO from the CAF. Here is Harper with  WEF fascist Klaus Schwab.


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Another Traitor Canada Research Stephanie Kusie and the Trilateral Commission.  Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest, Stephanie Kusie and Jeffery Epstein.  You would be shocked by the list of names. Created by Rockafeller  in 1973.  

The goal.  One World Government.


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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections.  Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed. 


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All sitting and past and sitting Canadian Members of Parliament who have graduated World Economic Forum Young Global Leader indoctrination under Klaus Schwab working for an un-elected foreign entity should be arrested for Treason.


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Canadian Conservative Official Leader Of The Opposition Pierre Poilievere said he would remove all WEF Young Global Leaders (YGL) who graduated Marxist indoctrination with WEF Klaus Schwab from his shadow Government.  He Lied.  Right from the horse's mouth.


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Do your research Canada.  Start with Mulroney and the Rio Conference 1992.  Then research Harper and UN Agenda 2030 and the UN 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (17 SDG's) 2008.  Mulroney and Harper sold out Canada and the People to the highest bidder without debate or consent from the electorate.  Be very wary of these fascists.

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The Alberta Bill of Rights will be worthless in Bill C-293 makes Royal Assent. Doesn anybody know if this Bill was written by the Communist Chinese for Liberal MP ERskine-Smith from the GTA? Is Smith one of the Traitors working for the CCP?

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they never complain about raises neither; hhmmm, could they all be a part of the kings court; I swear...

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Harper sneaks through Canada-China FIPA, locks Canada in for 31 years. https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections.  Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed. 


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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections. Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed.


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we must STOP this BILL go to http://StopC-293.ca

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IT IS WAY MORE THAN TAKING AWAY MEAT... it is open season on Canadians. Take away your meat your land your bank account and ANYTHING else they want. Please go to http://StopC-293.ca

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Did the Communist Chinese write this Bill for Justin and his Communist Cult.

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no the bill is the bi-product; it is a personality trait that did...comes in various shapes and sizes; like shape shifters in the flesh.

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The Canadian National Citizens Inquiry has completed their final report with a confirmed 57,000 Canadians killed by an experimental Covid injections.  Sixty-three subpoenas were sent out to Canadian Politicians and not one of them showed. 


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Stephanie Kusie is Board member on the Rockafellar Trilateral Commission.  As were Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest and Jeffery Epstein.  What is your role there?  Are they working for an unelected foreign identity?  As a Public Servant are they in a conflict of interest.  The Trilateral Commision is all for a One World Government.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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This Bill C-293 was brought to us from an Old Stock Canadian From the GTA, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. This legislation seems like it was written by the Communist CCP. It makes one wonder if Erskine Smith from thr GTA is one of the 11 Traitors to Canada working for the CCP. The Great Replacement Of Old Stock Canadians Continues.

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or Karl Mrax

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Stephanie Kusie is Board member on the Rockafellar Trilateral Commission.  As were Rona Ambrose, Jean Charest and Jeffery Epstein.  What is your role there?  Are they working for an unelected foreign identity?  As a Public Servant are they in a conflict of interest.  The Trilateral Commision is all for a One World Government.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilateral_Commission

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Oct 1Liked by David Krayden

This Bill C-293 was brought to us from an Old Stock Canadian From the GTA, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. This legislation seems like it was written by the Communist CCP. It makes one wonder if Erskine Smith from thr GTA is one of the 11 Traitors to Canada working for the CCP. The Great Replacement Of Old Stock Canadians Continues.

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Please check out http://Stopc-293.ca AND TAKE ACTION SHARE EVERYWHERE

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