Krayden's Right with David Krayden
David Krayden Reads George Orwell
Part II, Chapter 8: David Krayden Reads George Orwell's 1984

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Part II, Chapter 8: David Krayden Reads George Orwell's 1984

Part II, Chapter 8

In Part II, Chapter 8 both Winston and Julia visit O’Brien at his opulent house with plush carpets and a servant. The three share a glass of wine and fresh tobacco. Winston risks everything in life to tell O’Brien that he believes this Inner Party member is secretly working against the state and Big Brother. O’Brien says he is indeed a member of a mystical Brotherhood that is committed to destroying the current regime. He tells Winston and Julia that if they join the conspiracy, they could be asked to do anything from murder to spreading venereal disease.

O’Brien calls them all “the dead” because they cannot really expect to live to see the new world of freedom.

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