Krayden's Right with David Krayden
David Krayden Reads George Orwell
David Krayden Reads George Orwell's Animal Farm, Chapter 1

David Krayden Reads George Orwell's Animal Farm, Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Animal Farm was George Orwell’s first very successful book. Released in 1945 it is in many ways a precursor to the longer and larger 1984. Most of Orwell’s books, up to this point, had had respectable sales in Britain and attracted some interest in the United States market but Animal Farm was his first best-seller, earning Orwell substantial earnings as an author.

It continues to sell briskly today, almost 80 years later.

It can truthfully be said that this book can be read by everyone from children to graduate students. It is a fable, a fantasy, a political allegory, a clever tale about the danger of political systems resulting from revolutions becoming worse than the systems they replaced. It is a story about power corrupting personalities and ideals. It is a treatise about the failure of the Russian revolution to deliver the freedom it promised to the masses and instead providing Joseph Stalin, purges, gulags and bullets to the back of heads. But it is also a warning about regimes that justify their existence upon ideology only and govern without the consent of the people.

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